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What is EDM-1 Graphite Material?

What is EDM-1 graphite material, and in which application would I use it?


The Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) industry has many materials available for many applications. One graphite material that sometime gets overlooked in the industry is EDM-1, which is produced by Entegris|POCO Materials. This 5-micron, Ultrafine material provides excellent strength and resistance to damage while also providing a high metal removal rate, which helps shorten production times. This article will detail where EDM-1 would be best suited and how this material could help you save production time and money while still performing as a premium material.

Many people in the EDM industry are familiar with EDM-3, which is widely considered the best all-around EDM material. While EDM-1 does not share the same strength and performance as EDM-3, it does contain unique properties that put it in a category all its own.

“EDM-1 is in the same Ultrafine class of graphite as EDM-3 so users benefit from the same consistency and wear performance expected from a POCO 5-micron material. It is a material that covers a broad range of applications, making it ideal for shops that do not want to have a variety of grades to keep track of in their workplace,” comments Marc Sanders, EDM Technical Sales Manager at Entegris|POCO Materials. “It works great for larger less detailed electrodes as well as those with some finer detail that do not require the strength and finish capability of EDM-3.”


What application would EDM-1 be used in? 

One application for EDM-1 would be fabricating electrodes with good detail. “The uniform structure of the material, strength, and low hardness range allows for fabricating electrodes where other materials tend to chip or break completely,” says Sanders. “Examples of this are ribs, posts, or other fine details. Users of POCO materials are able to optimize their machine settings, allowing them to fabricate electrodes faster.”


Another application would be low-wear electrodes.

“Just as with our other Ultrafine grades, EDM-1 routinely performs with less than 1% end wear, allowing it to maintain the detail of the electrode while EDMing and removing more material in the cavity per cycle, resulting in fewer electrodes being used overall,” comments Sanders.


The third application would be high-detail roughing electrodes.

“The combination of low end wear and good metal removal rate shortens overall cycle time,” says Sanders. “The uniform structure of EDM-1 provides for improved flushing conditions, which allows for ease of removal from the gap, causing fewer secondary discharges or trouble spots.”


Another excellent application for EDM-1 is molds and dies.

“EDM-1 can reach surface finishes down to 18VDI, a common target in many of these applications,” says Sanders. “This grade can be used for the rough and finishing electrodes, achieving the desired result without having to use different grades of material for each process. This prevents possible errors from occurring and saves in overall cost.”


EDM-1 Graphite is an essential material for electrical discharge machining due to its uniform structure, strength, and machinability; its unique properties enable precise and efficient material removal, resulting in high-quality finished products. Whether in the automotive, aerospace, medical, mold, or tooling industry, EDM-1 plays a vital role in achieving accurate and intricate shapes in the EDM process. If you are interested in EDM-1 material or have questions, contact us through Live Chat Chat With Us • Graphel Samples would be available by request.

EDM-1® Graphite | POCO (

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